Monday 11 January 2010

Time Management Entry

Alright we're coming down to the wire. Ten weeks to go before the deadline! Our teacher would like us to start filming by this weekend.

I just got really one major thing to do which is pictures of my actors, props and costumes. That will all happen in one big swoop. I'll try and get all the pictures up by the weekend and hopefully start filming next week!

Now as you've probably read from a lot of other people, we've had a huge snow fall. This, does not effect me. Actually, I was really hoping to film in the snow cause it'll add quite a cool effect to everything. The only big downfall is if I have to go back and refilm something. The snow may be gone or there'll be tracks where its supposed to be clear. So I'll spend a little more time filming. But that said, snow=cold. My actors are going to freeze. Maybe I'll get lucky and things will warm up but I doubt it.

We'll just see. If worst comes to worst and things aren't working out, I'll fall upon my last resort and film at school.

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