Tuesday 5 January 2010

Locational Photo's- Problems

I found one huge problem with the field. As I stated in my Delays post, its been raining a lot. And with rain, comes floods. The two photos below show some of the flooded areas of the field which might cause complications if it get's worse.

Watching the weather, its only supposed to get colder. Image two is a deep puddle covered by ice. Any colder and we might have to worry about ice hazards. When I was walking around, the ground was hard. Actually, this is good because it'll make filming easier for the still shots and the tripod to stay put. So we'll just see. Hopefully the weather stays good. I think it'd be really awesome to film in snow! That would add some cool effects. Maybe I could even go back to filming in the evening since snow glows blue under the moon!

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