Monday 11 January 2010

Checklist Update

Its been a few weeks now and I've covered most of my check list. This is just the tick list. Bold/italics is what's done.

1. Mind Map Ideas
2. Power-Point of Idea
3. Film Treatment
4. Story Board of Opening Scene

5. Photos of Location(s)
6. Photos of Costume(s)
7. Photos of Actor(s)
8. Photos of Prop(s)
9. Questionnaire (Facebook)
10. Research Other Blogs
11. Research Openings of Genre
12. Research Music (YouTube, FreePlayMusic etc.)
13. Write-Up Script
14. Note Down Shot Types
15. Upload Practice Shots (Optional)

Now then, that's 10/15 done. The actors, costumes and props is very easy and I should have that up very soon. The script I will do in my next post so that's why its ticked off. I'll also upload the Powerpoint. Its done just not uploaded yet. As for the fifteenth one, I don't think its too nessercery to do so. Plus I don't have the time due to weather. If I film bits now and the weather changes dramatically come the actual film it'll look odd. So yeah techincally only four to go! Woo!

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