Tuesday 26 January 2010

Other Blogs Research

The first blog I looked at is Year 13 Sophie's Blog at: http://sophie329959blog.blogspot.com/

Being Year 13 she is making a teaser trailer but is pretty much doing the same process we are for our opening two minutes. One thing I really like that she did was she tested different fonts which I'm considering doing myself...(as shown below)

She doesn't have that many posts (only about fifty) but they're packed full of detail. Just from a brief glance at her posts, she's making a teen romantic drama so she looked at stuff like Skins and Twilight.

Then I looked at Year 13 Josh's blog: http://darkemodouche.blogspot.com/ who provided a bit of contrast since he's doing a horror/gangster type film. He's done a lot of research into this genre and the one thing I really like about his blog is the polls along the side. Even though only one person voted it still provides a little more audience particpation.

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