Tuesday 30 March 2010

Evaluation Task 7- Progress

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Prelimniary Task:

Opening Two Minutes:

Comparing the two films I have done this Year, I believe I have learned a lot and my Opening Two minutes is very evident of this. The transistions are a lot smoother, the sound fades in and out and doesn't jump (at least by my fault). The only thing I think remained the same was my camera skills. While its not as noticeable due to my editing, I still don't have a steady filming hand.

One big change I noted was the fact editing has improved immensely. Its a lot tighter and smoother than my other one. I decided to play with more editing transitions that brought really fruitful results. Then I learned how to control the transitions providing me the means to hide get the most of my shots. The one scene, actually, when my sister "slashes" the camera it suddenly cuts... that was an accident but I actually feel it works.

Unfortunately, due to Youtube, the sound of my main task has been botched up. I did have it fading smoothly in and out. Not much I can do about that unfortunately.

Other than that, I still think it came out great.

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