Tuesday 15 December 2009

Shot List

Shot 1: Establishing shot- Pan of Fields

Shot 2: Close up- Princess Hope's feet

Shot 3: Long, wide shot- Princess sliding at fork in the road

Shot 4: Mid shot- Princess running towards camera

Shot 5: Worm's view- Princess jumping over camera

Shot 6: Worm's view- Villain (Prince Lupus) jumping over camera

Shot 7: Mid shot, slight low angle- Side view of Vivian

Shot 8: Long shot- Front, full view of Vivian before panning around to behind a tree

Shot 9: Mid shot- Side view of Princess running

Shot 10: POV, handheld- Princess's view of path in front of her then she turns her head back causing her to fall

Shot 11: Wide Shot, Still- Princess rolling down the hill

Shot 12: Close up- Princess's face as she hits the ground

Shot 13: Low angle canted- Vivian walking under a bridge

Shot 14: Wide, long angle- Wall of trees as Princess bursts through followed closely by Prince

Shot 15: Cut to Mid Shot- Prince Lupus shouting

Shot 16: Cut to Mid Shot- Princess Hope replying

Shot 17: Long shot, side view- Princess Hope suddenly turning around, swinging the sword

Shot 18: Mid shot, front view- Princess Hope jumping and raising the sword above her head

Shot 19: Close up- Blade slicing inches in front of the camera

Shot 20: Extreme close up- Prince Lupus's bloodied hand with Princess Hope running off into the distance. Soon as she disappears, Prince's hand moves

Shot 21: Mid shot, back view, handheld- Back of Princess's head as she's running away

Shot 22: Long, wide shot, side view- Princess running through forest

Shot 23: Mid shot, front view- Princess running up to camera then panting

Shot 24: Mid shot, 3/4 behind view- Princess looking up at two trees forming an arch

Shot 25: Extreme Close up- Princess's mouth breathing the word, "Activate" and raising the sword to her forehead

Shot 26: Mid shot, side view- Princess standing still with her eyes shut until she hears Prince Lupus behind her

Shot 27: Mid shot, 2/4 view- Princess throwing blade into the activated portal

Shot 28: Mid shot, front view- Princess shielding her eyes with her arms from intense light

Shot 29: Long shot, side view- Princess flying backwards

Shot 30: Mid shot, bird's eye view- Looking down at Princess lying, exhausted on the ground with a smile on her face

Shot 31: POV- Looking up at Prince Lupus from Princess's POV with scowl on his expression

Shot 32: Cut back to Princess, same shot- Princess laughs

Shot 33: Black screen with the words and Princess saying, "You lose" followed by blade stab

Shot 34: Close up- Blade in grab with Vivian in the distance then she runs up to it remaining focussed on her feet

Shot 35: Mid shot, side view- Vivian suddenly looking up and gasping before cutting to a black screen with her scream

Shot 36: Mid shot, back view- Vivian lying dead with a stab through her back and Prince Lupus standing over her

Shot 37: Mid shot- Prince Lupus's torso with his mouth and focuss on the bloodied blade in his hands

Shot 38: Close up- Prince Lupus's mouth as he speaks

Ends with a fading black screen as he laughs evilly.

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