Monday 28 December 2009

Facebook Questionaire

So after posting my storyboard on Youtube, I designed a Questionaire on Facebook to recieve some feedback from my friends.

1. What genre do you believe this is?
2. What did you think?
3. Is there anything you feel it needs?
4. How old are you?
5. What gender are you? (I'll be scared if you put, I don't know)
6. Would you go to see this?
7. What certificate would you give this film just from the storyboard?
8. What is your favorite genre of film?
9. Who's your favorite director?
10. What do you think of the type of music I have selected?

The results were quite postive. A lot of good feedback. I asked 20 of my friends aged between 14-22. Though this being Facebook, only 9 got back to me. However, this was still good and gave me very clear results.

For number one, most said fantasy/sci-fi/horror. This is good because this means, just from the storyboard, they were able to determine genre which means I kept to the conventions.

For number two and three, a lot of people said the narration wasn't clear. However, this was just a storyboard and I forgot to put what the heck was happening in it. Also, the intro isn't meant to be too clear till the end.

Question four, my friends were ranged between 14-22. I purposely chose these people because they're my targetted audience.

Question five actually landed roughly equal with five boys and four girls.

Most people for question six announced yes though I believe this is just for the sake of knowing me. Once again, most of them stated they needed more narration.

The Age Certificate was quite uniamous. 7 out of 9 said said PG-13 (or 12) while the other two were quite unsure.

Number eight and nine were just general questions just to see what people would answer. Since I have such a varied mixture of friends, as predicted, they all came out different ranging from Fantasy to Rom-Com's.

Number 10 involved their thoughts on music. This was rather positive saying it added to the scene well and made it more excitement which was very pleasing to hear.

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