Wednesday 9 December 2009

Film Treatment- Opening 2 minutes

The opening begins with the two production companies followed by the title on black screens. After the title sequence ends, the screen flashes white and the scene suddenly appears behind a dark tree give contrast very similar to Terminator 2 opening. The camera immediately begins to pan left revealing a large field with trees behind it; the establishing shot. It is early morning and there is a strange uneasiness. All is quiet save some asyncronous sounds of crows. We hear wings fluttering by and suddenly the shot changes to a close up of a girl's feet running past the camera and the fast paced music slowly fades in. We cut to a long shot of the girl sliding to a stop at a fork in the road then running towards the camera.

Just before she hits, the camera shot changes again to a worm's eye view where the girl leaps over- followed a few seconds later by my villain, Prince Lupus, jumping over. The moment he passes, the scene cuts to a black screen with the Director's name, producer's name and editor's name in white (my name). That fades to a completely new scene of a young girl walking past the camera from the side view. She is smiling with a phone in her hand playing music and a bag in her arm. There is a surrean almost unreal calm in this peaceful location. There is no non-digetci music playing over giving the audience a sense, something bad's going to happen. We cut to a long shot of her walking towards the camera but slowly start to pan right behind a tree fading into the next title sequence listing the first actor. The title sequence fades back to a close up of the girl's face from a side view. I'll be running beside her giving the camera a shaky feel. Her breathing is really emphasized with the dark music playing over it but just lightly. It cuts again to a black screen with the second actor's name then back to the chase. This time the camera is in her hand giving us a POV shot. Her breathing is even harder and louder. She suddenly trips when attempting to look back and then we cut to a wide shot of her rolling down a hill. The camera then cuts to a close up of her face as she hits the ground with a loud thud. The third actors title screen comes up, this time listing all the final actors.

As you can see, editing is speeding up trying to get the audience's hearts racing. But just as tension is built, we cut back to a low angle on Vivian beginning to walk under a bridge. The shot fades into another black title screen listing the music producer. Unlike the previous times, the next shot cuts suddenly to a wall of trees and then Princess Hope bursting through now clutching the sword in her hand. She is covered in mud (from her fall) save her face which still radiates somewhat. Prince Lupus marches out behind her then shouts, "GET BACK HERE BY THE ORDER OF THE KING!!!"

Princess Hope briefly turns her head to look back at Prince Lupus and shouts, "YOU'LL NEVER BE KING!!!"

With that we cut to a long shot of her whirling around. She goes to jump then we cut to a front mid-shot, high angle view of her jumping towars Prince Lupus with the Moonblade above her head. She slashes down just inches in front of the camera. The scene fades to a black title screen of the Screenplay Director, Script Writer and Casting Director (me). It fades to a close-up shot of the villian's hand with blood splatter. In the distance we can just see Princess Hope running away. As she disappears out of sight, the villian's hand moves.

All sound cuts leaving the sound of her breathing and a faint heart beat as we cut to a mid-shot of the back of her head with a hand held camera. It cuts to a long, wide shot of a forest with her running through some trees. It cuts to her running up to the camera then bending over and panting heavily. The camera spins around to a 3/4 long shot from behind of her standing up and staring at two trees that form sort of an oval shape. It cuts to a close-up of her mouth as she raises the sword to her lips and breathes the word, "Activate."

We cut to a mid shot of her resting her head against the sword as a faint whirring. Suddenly Prince Lupus shouts, "DON'T YOU DARE!" causing her to turn her head. Ignoring him she turns back around and flings the sword into the portal. We cut to a mid-shot front view of her covering her eyes with her arms as a bright light suddenly shines on her face. She suddenly goes flying backwards and we cut to a match-on-action shot of the same fall from the side at a slightly longer angle. We then cut to a mid-shot of her hitting the ground and looking up at the sky. There is an expression of relief on her face. This scene is slowed down and a sad piano piece plays gently hinting she's about to die. She laughs as we cut to a mid shot of Prince Lupus leaning over with a scowl on his face. We cut to another black screen where the words, "You lose" appear with her reading them. We then hear a blade stabbing down and the black screen fades to the final scene with Vivian walking towards the sword. She screams, "What the hell?!" Then runs up to the blade that has just suddenly appear however the shot just remains on the bottom of the sword. We cut to a close-up, side view of her head suddenly snapping up and she gasping.

The screen cuts to black where we hear a blood curdling scream from Vivian then we cut back to a mid-shot of her lying dead on the ground with a stab wound in her back and Prince Lupus standing over her with the sword in hand. The camera rolls over her then slowly rises up his body to the bloody sword in his hand and just a smile on his face. It cuts to a close-up of his mouth with him smiling and saying, "Foolish girl... such a pitfal attempt. Like I said, I am the new ruler of this world. None...will stop me."

The screen cuts to black as an evil laughter echoes over.

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