Tuesday 30 March 2010

Evaluation Task 7- Progress

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Prelimniary Task:

Opening Two Minutes:

Comparing the two films I have done this Year, I believe I have learned a lot and my Opening Two minutes is very evident of this. The transistions are a lot smoother, the sound fades in and out and doesn't jump (at least by my fault). The only thing I think remained the same was my camera skills. While its not as noticeable due to my editing, I still don't have a steady filming hand.

One big change I noted was the fact editing has improved immensely. Its a lot tighter and smoother than my other one. I decided to play with more editing transitions that brought really fruitful results. Then I learned how to control the transitions providing me the means to hide get the most of my shots. The one scene, actually, when my sister "slashes" the camera it suddenly cuts... that was an accident but I actually feel it works.

Unfortunately, due to Youtube, the sound of my main task has been botched up. I did have it fading smoothly in and out. Not much I can do about that unfortunately.

Other than that, I still think it came out great.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Evaluation Task 6: Technology

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Figure 1- Camcorder

Figure 2- Tripod

I have learned a lot about technologies from this project. Not only from the physical equipment but the programs as well. Especially in editing on Adobe. From my first project to now, I have gained a lot of knowledge and patience with the program. Like how to use transitions and effects efficiently. The biggest thing also was learning the Adobe's help website is very useful. But I think I learned more from the more experienced Year 13's who showed me how to do certain effects such as the red, black and white shot.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Evaluation Task 4: Audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This is a group of a Cosplayers from the game Soul Caliber (Fantasy fighting game) that I got off the internet. This would be my general target audience. 15-25 year olds. The group I fall into. Anime loving, Japanese obsessed teenager who's idea of fun is dressing up as video game characters and going to Conventions with thousands of others similar to I. A modern, Fantasy loving teen. In my head and in my storyboard, its an anime style story. I believe they'd watch it based on this factor especially if they loved films like the Matrix, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation Task 3: Commentary

1. The idea of a distributor and who that might be and why.

For my film, New Line Cinemas would be my ideal distributor. They deal with a lot of well known fantasy and horror films such as Lord of the Rings, Blade and Friday the 13th.

2. What does a production company do?

A production company handles the paper work; contracting, site locating and funding of films. They play a very key role in the film process.

3. Discussion of your production company name and logo and the role of such companies

My production company is “A Banko Productions”. It’s just the initial of my first full name and my last name. Basically my company gathered all the props and actors together as well as securing filming times and places.

4. Where the money might have come from for a film such as yours

Since being an American Distribution Company, I probably would have got the money from one of the big American Film Power Houses like Universal or Paramount or even New Line it’s self.

5. Why the various people are named in the titles- which jobs appear in titles and in what order and how have you reflected this?

The titles that appear in my film are the ones related to the opening two minutes; so all the actors who appear then you hear the music and sound. The titles appear in order of appearance. I am the director followed by the first actor who appears on screen which is my sister. It helps establish who the people are right from the get-go.

6. What your film is similar to 'institutionally' (name some films which would be released in a similar way)

I believe, really, any fantasy film. I based my opening around the opening of Eragon where the one woman is being chased by the villain and to save the egg she sends it away to a random passer-by hunting in the woods. Another film similar to the release of mine would be Tim Burton’s 9; another fantasy epic about 9 rag dolls.

Monday 15 March 2010

Evaluation Task 2: Representation

I felt that my main character and Arwen from Lord of the Rings share a lot of similarties as well as a few differences. They both are Princesses who know how to fight and aren't afraid to get dirty. I actually based "Princess Hope's design off Arwen's white dress that she wears in the film a lot. A couple of differences between the two are that well one's a human while the other's an elf. Duh. But Hope is not as graceful as Arwen. All of her shots, she's running hard while in the LoTR films, Arwen always looks graceful on camera no matter what she's doing.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Evaluation Task 1: Conventions

The Title:


Costume/ Props:

Camera Work/ Editing:


Character Introductions:

Special Effects:
My opening was based off the movie, Eragon (Directed by Stefen Markus Fangmeier) so it shares a couple of similarties to it. Such as a girl running through a forest being chased by a mysterious enemy while another character is simulatoneously followed. At the time, a couple of things that are different include the girl being chased ends up dying and the scene ends unpredictably. Everyone sort of makes up in their head that Vivian (the second girl) will somehow find the sword and beat the villian but the very end when she dies reveals otherwise leaving a huge plot open that anything could happen.
I think the costumes and weaponry reaveals its a Fantasy. If nothing, else a strange period drama. It could also be down to the blood that could define it as a horror. I left that up to the audience but my chosen genre is Fantasy.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Evaluation Feedback

Youtube Comments:

savioursephiroth1 (Simon):
That was very interesting and good to watch ^_^ The camera movement throughout the whole two minutes made everything quite exciting, and got across the whole imminent danger that was pressent for the character. If I saw this in the cinema, I would definitely stay to watch it, terrific work ^_^

Crystalumina (Rana):
That looked really interesting =3. I liked how it really started out and how you captured the whole mood easily ^ ^. The camera movement was really good too =3 although the sound might have been better but overall it was made out nice and I liked it ^ ^

Punkness93 (Elena):
Very interesting. ^^ The camera shots you have are very nice, a little shaky but nothing too bad. :)
I would just work on evening out the sound a little more and perhaps something to keep the camera steady. Other wise, very nice job. :D

LaurenTheCookieLover (Lauren):
It intrigued me, so yeah, I would stay in the cinema. :D
Looks epic, btw~

Class Feedback:

On the whole, the results are very positive. The only problem is that these are my friends that I asked to watch. The comments could be biased though they present some negatives which pleased me. The class reviews were postive as well so I am really happy with the result!