Thursday 5 November 2009

Preliminary Conversation Task Evaluation

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

There are several things I learned through this Preliminary Task. Many of which through trial and error. But first, a brief evaluation of my video.

I used a lot of different types of shots but my main two were high and low angle mid-shots. This was to show the power (or lack of power) to the characters. Watching my video carefully, I actually kept the 180 degree rule and pushed it to its limits without actually ever crossing it. Sound I believe was the strongest part of my video. Only twice did the sound cut out weird causing to drop the audience. But you could hear every line and all the key sound effects such as the door slowly creeking open (which was actually the door sound not one added in later) and the foot steps. The foot steps, I got lucky with. I found a foot steps sound clip on the internet for some non-digetic sound but played with the next scene it didn't quite feet cause their was a definate sound change. The computerized sound effect actually matched perfectly with the steps of my villain. Editing, I struggled with a bit. There are lots of points when things seem out of place or broken. I need to work on that for my final piece. That was the weakness of the piece.

This task showed me several things. One, I was learned a lot more about Adobe. Its quite difficult to get used to but it does provide good results. The key to Adobe is patiences. Take things slow and don't rush. Rushing leads to mistakes or things being cut out (as I found). Also, I learned its okay to play with effects. In fact, I encourage it. The effects helped change the entire mood of my piece and also changed the setting. Save a few chairs and teacher's footsteps, you wouldn't think it a school.

The other main technology I learned about was the actual camera it's self. Like Adobe, the camera just requires a bit of patiences. Its not high quality major movie standard but its still quite good. Just be creative! Don't be afraid to lay on the dirty floor or stand on high things. Oh and don't touch the zoom button. It is a lot easier just to run up to someone (as I did) then edited out all sound or replace it. Plus it adds a nice effect that things are frantic.

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