Wednesday 25 November 2009

Film Treatment- Story

Here is my entire plot synopsis. Enjoy!

The film opens with a young princess is on the run with her mother’s recently forged 10th and final powerful Moon Blade with a man by the name of Lupus Darkening (Jezebel Pandora if a girl) chasing her for it. He is the current Prince of the land waiting his father’s approaching death to rule the people with his ideals; he knows best and those that do not agree are killed. Lupus seeks the ten swords in order to maintain his strong rule. Unlike most films, a wielder is not chosen. Its power works for anyone who knows how to use a sword. After a long and enduring chase and many battles with the protectors of the Moon Blade, Lupus is finally closing the distance between him and his final prize. However Princess Hope is not one to give up. In a final attempt to keep the sword away from Lupus, Hope throws the blade into a time portal to the Modern World (today); one that only opens when it has to.

In anger of losing the sword, Prince Lupus kills the young Princess then arrives to the Modern World by other means; Dark Magic. There, just before a young modern day girl named, Vivian picks up the sword, she is killed and Prince Lupus picks up the final sword then seals off all time portals to prevent anyone from going back and changing history.

~Ten Years Later~

The world is complete and utter chaos. King Lupus was not only using the 10 Moon Blades to defend his throne but also his Dark Magic. He poisoned the lands into an uninhabitable wasteland where the only way people survive is by working in his large castle. That is where our story picks up. A young servant boy named Arnold is thrown into the bigger adventure then he could ever dream. For many years, a coo had been rising within the castle to steal the swords away from King Lupus and take them Lunar Mountain where the Moon Spirit would take the swords back to where they came from thus ending King Lupus’s rule. Arnold is one of the children chosen to go with them. One day while he was working in the kitchen, one of the members of staff charged down the stairs and handed a wrapped out package to him and told him to hide for a few days.

Arnold obligates and follows nine other children who carried similar packages to the Northern Caves. There, they discover the Blades and what they are supposed to do. However, the one member was captured and forced to reveal where the children were hiding. A spy within in the castle sends a messaging hawk to the children warning them to run and apologizes for making them do it. The children flee the caves towards Lunar Mountain. As they run they learn how to control the special powers of the blades and in the end fight King Lupus before returning the Moon Blades back to the Moon Spirit thus allowing her to restore time and preventing King Lupus from ever taking over again.

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