Friday 27 November 2009

Locational Research and Cast

Both, have turned out complete failures. After following the advice of my teacher, I attempted to hold auditions for the role of my villain. However, none turned up so I'll change my strategy slightly and ask the drama teacher at my school to recommend people.

And the location? Filming at night, even with the moon, you can't see a thing. I attempted to take some pictures (even with flash) and you couldn't see anyone. So, I'll look to early morning changing the story ever so slightly that my actors are running early morning as they have been running all night (thus introducing the idea they're exhausted). I'll go down to location early morning sometime to find what time slot would be best. I'm really hoping to get a nice thick layer of fog on the ground. That'd be a cool effect.

I'll then post pictures of the Location and the finished costume (which my sister and I have fashioned together)

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Film Treatment- Story

Here is my entire plot synopsis. Enjoy!

The film opens with a young princess is on the run with her mother’s recently forged 10th and final powerful Moon Blade with a man by the name of Lupus Darkening (Jezebel Pandora if a girl) chasing her for it. He is the current Prince of the land waiting his father’s approaching death to rule the people with his ideals; he knows best and those that do not agree are killed. Lupus seeks the ten swords in order to maintain his strong rule. Unlike most films, a wielder is not chosen. Its power works for anyone who knows how to use a sword. After a long and enduring chase and many battles with the protectors of the Moon Blade, Lupus is finally closing the distance between him and his final prize. However Princess Hope is not one to give up. In a final attempt to keep the sword away from Lupus, Hope throws the blade into a time portal to the Modern World (today); one that only opens when it has to.

In anger of losing the sword, Prince Lupus kills the young Princess then arrives to the Modern World by other means; Dark Magic. There, just before a young modern day girl named, Vivian picks up the sword, she is killed and Prince Lupus picks up the final sword then seals off all time portals to prevent anyone from going back and changing history.

~Ten Years Later~

The world is complete and utter chaos. King Lupus was not only using the 10 Moon Blades to defend his throne but also his Dark Magic. He poisoned the lands into an uninhabitable wasteland where the only way people survive is by working in his large castle. That is where our story picks up. A young servant boy named Arnold is thrown into the bigger adventure then he could ever dream. For many years, a coo had been rising within the castle to steal the swords away from King Lupus and take them Lunar Mountain where the Moon Spirit would take the swords back to where they came from thus ending King Lupus’s rule. Arnold is one of the children chosen to go with them. One day while he was working in the kitchen, one of the members of staff charged down the stairs and handed a wrapped out package to him and told him to hide for a few days.

Arnold obligates and follows nine other children who carried similar packages to the Northern Caves. There, they discover the Blades and what they are supposed to do. However, the one member was captured and forced to reveal where the children were hiding. A spy within in the castle sends a messaging hawk to the children warning them to run and apologizes for making them do it. The children flee the caves towards Lunar Mountain. As they run they learn how to control the special powers of the blades and in the end fight King Lupus before returning the Moon Blades back to the Moon Spirit thus allowing her to restore time and preventing King Lupus from ever taking over again.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Institutional Research

New Line Cinemas would be the perfect film production company to sponsor my film. In the past they have produced films such as Lord of the Rings and the Butterfly Effect and Inkheart as well as many famous horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th. from this people would know that my film would fall in the Dark Fantasy genre especially from the clip I have chosen when is from the film "Final Destination" but follows the theme of moon. I'll just edit out the sound.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

My Idea Slideshow

This is my powerpoint for my film idea. Its very detailed and I did a lot of research for it. Enjoy!

A lot of people just said, "Be careful not to go too over the top that it looks really bad." Other than that, they liked it!

Monday 9 November 2009

Research and Planning "To-Do" List

1. Mind Map Ideas
2. Power-Point of Idea
3. Film Treatment
4. Story Board of Opening Scene
5. Photos of Location(s)
6. Photos of Costume(s)
7. Photos of Actor(s)
8. Photos of Prop(s)
9. Questionnaire (Facebook)
10. Research Other Blogs
11. Research Openings of Genre
12. Research Music (YouTube, FreePlayMusic etc.)
13. Write-Up Script
14. Note Down Shot Types
15. Upload Practice Shots (Optional)


So yeah, seems like a lot but doesn't sound too horrible.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Preliminary Conversation Task Evaluation

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

There are several things I learned through this Preliminary Task. Many of which through trial and error. But first, a brief evaluation of my video.

I used a lot of different types of shots but my main two were high and low angle mid-shots. This was to show the power (or lack of power) to the characters. Watching my video carefully, I actually kept the 180 degree rule and pushed it to its limits without actually ever crossing it. Sound I believe was the strongest part of my video. Only twice did the sound cut out weird causing to drop the audience. But you could hear every line and all the key sound effects such as the door slowly creeking open (which was actually the door sound not one added in later) and the foot steps. The foot steps, I got lucky with. I found a foot steps sound clip on the internet for some non-digetic sound but played with the next scene it didn't quite feet cause their was a definate sound change. The computerized sound effect actually matched perfectly with the steps of my villain. Editing, I struggled with a bit. There are lots of points when things seem out of place or broken. I need to work on that for my final piece. That was the weakness of the piece.

This task showed me several things. One, I was learned a lot more about Adobe. Its quite difficult to get used to but it does provide good results. The key to Adobe is patiences. Take things slow and don't rush. Rushing leads to mistakes or things being cut out (as I found). Also, I learned its okay to play with effects. In fact, I encourage it. The effects helped change the entire mood of my piece and also changed the setting. Save a few chairs and teacher's footsteps, you wouldn't think it a school.

The other main technology I learned about was the actual camera it's self. Like Adobe, the camera just requires a bit of patiences. Its not high quality major movie standard but its still quite good. Just be creative! Don't be afraid to lay on the dirty floor or stand on high things. Oh and don't touch the zoom button. It is a lot easier just to run up to someone (as I did) then edited out all sound or replace it. Plus it adds a nice effect that things are frantic.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Preliminary Task- Conversation Piece

After much annoyance, I finally uploaded my Preliminary Task! I hope you enjoy it! I thought it came out quite well.