Tuesday 29 September 2009

Trial Run

So today, we had a trial run of filming a very, very short conversation. This was more of a task to get used to the cameras before we actually have to film our first piece (a conversation). I found that is was harder than I expected. You never think of something as filming a simple conversation would be difficult from what you see on T.V. but it actually is. But then again, those big T.V. companies usually have a ton of cameras and they can switch willingly.

We got one camera and everything has to be the same when we change camera shots. Such as keeping the same speed of your speech, sound and actually remembering your lines. Also, DON'T LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!! *whistles*

That's all for now!

Sunday 27 September 2009

Route Planning

On Saturday, I took a stroll around town then walked the back way home which is the field I'm planning to film in. I planned the route in which my sister (the main character) shall be running and while looking crazy, I actually held an invisible camera and imaged the different shots. I also thought of different effects that I could preform cheaply.

Such as the portal. I don't have the resources to digitally input a portal. However, with a few clever camera angles and a lot of flashlights, I can create the illusion a portal is being activated. I'll upload some sketches sometime this week of some of the ideas I planned.

That's it for now!

Monday 21 September 2009


So, I've gotten some iedas for the opening two minutes of my film.

You have probably figured out (or are gonna figure out really quickly) I love fantasy/adventure movies. And when my teacher revealed that weren't very many (if any) fantasy openings created.

I have a really cool idea (which I'm still configuring) of a time travelling film. In my head at the moment its a girl running through a dark forest (which is located behind my house) carrying a sword (which I also have) from a dark figure who is slowly and ominously following her. Meanwhile, I shall be filming a young male teen walking through Leatherhead town centre and heading towards the forest. The camera will cut between the two until they "meet" in which case the girl tosses the sword through a time portal which lands directly in front of the boy.

There are a few kinks to work out yet such as squeezing into two minutes and special effects. Also the girl running is at night (while the boy walking is during the day) so it's gonna be tricky. Though kind of good we're (as in my other classmates) starting filming as the days grow darker. Meaning we won't have to work so late at night to get filming done.

At a later time (when I can find) I shall upload some sketches of costumes and possibly a rough storyboard.

As well as cutting from past to future, I shall be cutting away briefly for titles and actors. But nothing too fancy. White text on a black background fading in. I believe it'll keep the focus on the on the acting. Oh speaking of actors, because I'm by myself, I'll just be using my sister and friends.

That's it for now!